Monday, October 30, 2006

A traumatic experience.....for me.

We went to the mall in Jacksonville Sunday on our way home. Donald showed Amelia some Bulldog earrings and she decided that she wanted to go get her ears pierced. I have been asking her for awhile whenever we go to our mall, and she has always said NO! So we went to the store and she was all excited about how great it was going to be, she saw the jar of candy so I thought maybe this will not be that bad....evidentally I am stupid.

So the lady did the first ear, of course Amelia cried and screamed, it was terrible. I was crying and two other shoppers were stadning there srying with me. Then she did the other ear, I went over to console Amelia and the lady said what I now know to be 7 of the most horrible words ever..."She moved her head, it is crooked" so I look and she is right it is WAY OFF! Well, at this point there is nogoping back, so I have to get in the chair holding her and straddle her head with my hands while she does the second ear AGAIN.

When it was finally over, keep in mind this all happened in like 15 seconds, she cried until we walked into the Disney store and then she was fine.....

and now...I have to go clean and turn them, to her it is like I am cutting her ears off.


tleaf10 said...

sorry about the traumatic experience...when Kayden got hers pierced - Me, Momma, Granny, and Melissa were crying. It was not a pretty site!