Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pajama Party Day

Today was pajama party day at Amelia's school. She took Otis her beardogcat (we are not real sure what it is....)

Amelia has also been saying quite a few funny things...
*Anna was crying in the car, Amelia told her that it was "not appropriate"
*They had kids in the kitchen at her school and made pigs in a blanket, she does not eat meat so I asked her if she tasted it. She said she ate a little bite of the hot dog but it was "disgusting"
*We were at Target and I got her a white cherry Icee, she told me that she was white, I said yes and then she said and you are old....


tleaf10 said...

she seems to be very observant on the white're not old though :)

Athen Bradford said...

Yes, very observant... smart too! =)