Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Birthday, First Day, two front teeth, and another first day!!

It has been awhile....I want to put this up so I can look back and remember...and be sad but baby started pre-school this week so I am a little on!!

Amelia turned 8 on July 21st!  Papa also got out of the hospital on the same day so we went over there for a little cake...that is icing all over her face:)

Avie had speech clinic in Atlanta the next week.  Of course she did good, she failed some of the hearing test so we had to see our ENT here.  She does have freakishly small ear canals (must be hereditary....) they said her ears were impacted....yes I know that is gross!!  They used a little vacuum and we are doing peroxide every night and go back next week, hopefully we will be all clear.  Anyway while we were in Atlanta we stopped at an Old Navy so Avie could see her old friends:)
 Of course there was a LOT OF SWIMMING over the summer!! 
 The girls also went to a Tea Party Birthday party....they loved it!!

 Then it was that time.....3RD GRADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I was fine until....Amelia did not want to sit with me in first day assembly....kinda made me sad:(

 Amelia and Kayden
 Amelia, Jenna and Jaci
 second day of school
 Avie in her robe....and a weird face:)
Amelia's two front teeth have been loose awhile...........since JANUARY!!  They were finally pulled out (imagine a horrific exorcism) last week.  We still can't talk about the incident in front of her:)
 Then on Tuesday of this week Avie started Pre-School......she was so excited....she has been talking about it for weeks. 

 She was so excited that it was finally time to go, as I was buckeling up she kept saying go, go mama, go, go mama
 Her BFF (and cousin) Anna is in the 4 year old class
We have a busy next few weeks, 4 roadtrips, 3 days of insurance class (yuck), 2 weddings, and a weekend at the beach!!


Louise said...

I need to hear about Amelia's teeth coming out. She looks so cute in her little uniform! :)
And Avie is just about too cute!!! I love that she's so excited!!!

Anonymous said...

Ummm, I am only privy to two road trips...what am I missing????