Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Weekend

We had a busy Saturday, Amelia went to a b-day party for a friend from school, then we had a wedding at church. She ate enough cake to make her CRAZY!!!! We are anxious about Tuesday, I go to my doctor here tomorrow, I will make sure everything was sent to Macon so Dr Boddy has everything he needs on Tuesday. I read on the internet about having an amnio, it does not sound like the best 30 minutes but I am sure it will go fine. Since I have negative blood I will have to get an extra shot, maybe my doctors office will included that info in the paperwork they sent.

The pics below are from the scan in Macon, the first is a profile shot and the second is her foot. When they did the ultrasound they said she was breech. Not a big deal since I am having a c-section anyway.


tleaf10 said...

She looks real cute from those angles :)

Summer said...

I'll be praying for yall today and tomorrow!

The Holtons said...

You have been in my prayers, but I will say a special one tonight and all day tomorrow. Cute Pictures!!!