Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Crazy girls and swimming lessons

Sunday we tried to get a pic of the Ateam.....these were what we got.

Monday Amelia started swimming lessons again with Bobby Tucker. She had been pumped about these until we got there, she cried and cried and then cried some more. Donald took her on Tuesday and she did so much better she jumped in by herself which she was so proud of.

These are just a couple from Monday night. Amelia likes to pretend she had a baby, which basically means you hand her Avie and say "Its a girl"....


The Holtons said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Didn't I already tell you that? OH, well-you can never hear it too much! The pool looks great! Have fun-take a day off of work and soak up some sun! Love ya-

Anonymous said...

I dread taking Kayden to lessons. I am trying to get her over her phobia now.

l said...

Go, Mee-Mee! Show Bobby Tucker some moves!