Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Since we have been back from vacay we have been busy.  Amelia went to basketball camp, and both girls have hit up several VBS's. 

After we got back from vacay I started my marathon training.  Amy and I are doing one in February 2013.  I decided, mainly because of the number of weeks I have, to do a half training plan and then start full.  It is very confusing and a bunch of numbers so unless you want a pic of the actual schedule don't try to figure this craziness out.... Saturday ended my second week and my long run was 5 miles.  I was very proud of myself.  For me this is like gazelle speed!!

On Sunday afternoon we took Amelia to Bible Camp for the whole week.  She was EXCITED!! Several of her friends from Church were there.  I am sure she is having a great time.  Sunday night I told Avie I missed Amelia, she said in her most said voice "me too" and the paused and said "NOT".
 Monday night Avie started swim lessons at the college.  A little sidebar when we took Amelia to swim lessons she SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER for every minute the entire week....for two years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  To say Avie loved it would be an understatement, she did so good!!  The other kids had to wear a flotation device, not Avie.  She also mastered floating on her back.  She was so proud of herself


Louise said...

I'm impressed with you and Amy!!! Keep it up!! I think y'all will be the only people I know that have done a marathon!! :)