Tuesday, May 20, 2008

past few days

Just a few pics of the past few days.....

Billye-this one is for you!!!! Amelia is "getting ready" for Bobby Tucker!!!! We will see how well that goes...... On Sunday, Abby and Amy had a shower for Avie. It was suppose to be May 5th but since someone decided to come before the shower we had to postpone it a couple of weeks.

Lindsay, katie, Chrissy and Abby are looking at Anna...she is probably eating the wrapping paper.

Amelia was an usher for the K5 graduation at GCS on Monday night, she was so excited. She practiced for about a week handing out programs.

Amelia ready for school with her pigtails.

and a couple of Avie, in Amelia's doll stroller.
Avie is doing good with her feedings, she is up to almost 3 ounces at a time. Her sleeping at night is hit and miss which makes us want to sleep in and nap but people still call and drop in unannounced frequently.....come on people before 9am, not good whether you just had a baby or not. And on Tuesday morning, I went and got my hair cut....short!!


LaurieR said...

Can we get a picture of the haircut????

Anonymous said...

and, sorry it that was me before 9!!! Was it? I like the haircut too!