Monday, October 06, 2008

Sorry Anna....

So Friday was Anna aka The 'Lil Terrorist birthday. In honor of that, and her age 2, I will post 2 things about her:
1. She LOVES bebe aka Avie. She LOVES to hold and kiss her, sometimes, well for that matter most of the time I do not think the feeling is mutual. 2. She LOVES meme aka Amelia. She loves to say over and over again, Hi meme.

Below is a typical picture, 5 members of the Ateam. Abby sticking her tongue out, Amelia smiling like she is shy, yeah right, Anna messing with Avie, and Avie completely looking the wrong way from the camera, and me trying to smile and tell everyone to look at the camera...maybe one day we will have a pic of everyone smiling and looking in the same direction...

I also went and "rocked the vote" today. In Georgia they started early voting a couple of weeks ago and it goes through the end of October. Since I DO NOT like to wait in line and not sure what will be going on election day this was the best choice for me.
Hopefully sometime this week I will post my who I voted for and why blog.


Allison said...

So cute! I'm having a hard time grasping the fact that kids change so much from 18 months-2 years. I am seeing Abby's 2nd birthday in the near future, well, because time flies for me now. It's not until March, but I don't want to see my baby grow up so fast!

Krissy said...

Hey-As for Drew's palate, no I haven't really felt of it. He use to let me feel his gumline with one of those things you put on your finger for cleaning their teeth, but I'm lucky to get his teeth brused with a tooth brush now!

LaurieR said...

This better not be like the last time you baited us about a future blog....

Happy birthday, Anna!

Bev said...

Oh that blog should bring out all the devoted Democrats and loyal Republicans with the flag--like Napoleon Dynamite, perhaps we shoud vote for Pedro?

Anonymous said...

you are so on the ball...

amanda said...

Hey, maybe I missed it, but I was excited to know who you were voting for any why! I'm still in the dark on who to pick (it is my first time voting too!). I'm swaying one way, but I'm afraid people will think bad of me if I say why.